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Web & Email Copy | Mobile Learning in Context eBook

Note: This page includes the various bits of marketing copy I wrote to accompany the publication of the eBook Mobile Learning in Context. For the convenience of the marketing and web teams, all the copy was included on a single document.


Mobile eBook Marketing Copy

eBooks Abstract: 25-30 words (75 characters max)

Where does mobile learning fit into your existing learning ecosystem? This eBook—a collection of essays from an international group of mobile innovators—may inspire you to rethink that.

eBook Detail Page (header on form): Title, author/contributing editor name and 150-200 words

Mobile Learning in Context

When people talk about customary approaches to eLearning, they usually envision self-paced courses, tutorials, and synchronous virtual classroom training. Still popular after 20 years, this “traditional” type of eLearning is typically designed and structured as a formal solution. It originated in one-way communication (web 1.0), much like email originated from traditional mail. Done right, for the right reasons, it works.

Mobile learning, on the other hand, originated in two-way communication (web 2.0), defies the customary approach to eLearning, and shifts the control and responsibility for learning. From a design perspective, mobile forces us to rethink our approach to learning. It forces us to see learners as mobile. Done right, it also works.

A collection of essays curated by Janet Clarey, Mobile Learning in Context explores topics from implementation to how to motivate learners to complete training. Written by an international group of mobile innovators, their writings might inspire you rethink where mobile learning fits in your existing learning ecosystem.

Complete the form below and download the eBook today!


Subject: 7 words max

New eBook—Mobile Learning in Context

Headline: 7 words max

Mobile Learning in Context

Copy: 100 words max

Mobile learning defies the customary approach to eLearning; from a design perspective, mobile forces us to rethink our approach to learning. It forces us to see learners as mobile. Done right, it works.

A collection of essays curated by Janet Clarey, Mobile Learning in Context explores topics from implementation to how to motivate learners to complete training. Written by an international group of mobile innovators, their writings might inspire you rethink where mobile learning fits in your existing learning ecosystem.

Tweet Copy: Six to eight compelling teaser tips/facts, max 90 characters not including hashtags

New free eBook: Mobile Learning in Context. Download your copy now! #eLGuild #mLearning #mobile

Maybe it’s time to rethink where #mLearning fits into your learning ecosystem: New mobile eBook from @eLearningGuild.

Wanting to move into #mLearning, but don’t know where to start? Check out new eBook from @eLearningGuild.

Learn how mLearning is creating a shift in the way we teach—free eBook on #mobile learning from eLearning Guild.

Do you know how to motivate learners to complete #training? New eBook from eLearning Guild. #eLGuild

Micro video is gaining momentum at all levels. New eBook from @eLearningGuild—Mobile Learning in Context. #mLearning